- 73,815 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
CQELight is a framework that provides tooling layer for helping developpers to get started with Domain Driven Design, Command Query Responsability Segregation and Event Sourcing. It provides abstraction... More information -
- 20,227 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
CQELight.Buses.InMemory provides two buses, one for command and one for events, use to dispatch events and commands in the same in-memory process. -
- 17,665 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight abstractions with EF Core -
- 16,234 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
A test framework to help writing unit tests upon CQELight system -
- 15,630 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
A bunch of tools to use CQELight for MVVM apps -
- 15,355 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
CQELight.Autofac is the implementation of CQELight IoC manager abstraction, by using Autofac as IoC container. It also gives some ease to helps you register types in the container, via the IAutoRegisterType... More information -
- 13,062 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight EventStore abstractions with EF Core/SQLServer or SQLite -
- 12,014 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight EventStore abstractions with MongoDb -
- 10,871 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
CQELight.Buses.RabbitMQ provides an implementation of a client and a server for RabbitMQ message queuing, based on CQELight abstractions, to communicate throught RabbitMQ instance. -
- 8,491 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight abstractions for IoC with the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package. -
- 5,822 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
ASP Core extensions for using CQELight with ease. -
- 5,158 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight DAL abstractions with MongoDb -
- 5,068 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Bus implementation using Azure Service Bus to dispatch message -
- 4,530 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Some test tools for specific MVVM needs -
- 3,645 total downloads
- last updated 5/21/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Implementation of CQELight MVVM abstractions based on MahApps -
- 1,660 total downloads
- last updated 8/10/2020
- Latest version: 1.2.1
Implementation of CQELight MVVM abstractions based on Xamarin Forms