
  • Lets you call into WinRT APIs from Desktop and Centennial apps (WPF, WinForms, ...) We are working on updating this package with the latest release. Meanwhile as a workaround please add the following winmds... More information
  • Normally when you look at Exception.StackTrace, it looks pretty bad for async method calls, and doesn't even include line numbers when it's run on a device like Phone which lacks PDBs. This package... More information
  • This analyzer detects where you're using platform- and version-specific (non-universal) Windows 10 UWP APIs, and helps you guard them correctly.
    • 9,226 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Core module, for use in UWP apps. Core defines the basic structures and interop; the rest of OpenCV depends upon in.
    • 8,660 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ImgProc module, for use in UWP apps. ImgProc is for image filtering, transformations, drawing functions, color maps, histograms, structural analysis and... More information
    • 7,448 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ImgCodecs module, for use in UWP apps. ImgCodecs has its own implementation for reading+writing JPEG and PNG files.
    • 6,354 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ML module, for use in UWP apps. ML is a set of classes and functions for statistical classification, regression, and clustering of data.
    • 6,348 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV FLANN module, for use in UWP apps. FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) is a library that contains a collection of algorithms optimized for... More information
    • 6,325 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Features2d module, for use in UWP apps. Features2d is for feature detection/description, descriptor matches, drawing function of keypoints and matches, and... More information
    • 6,265 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ObjDetect module, for use in UWP apps. ObjDetect is a Haar feature-based cascade classifier for object detection.
    • 5,636 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Photo module, for use in UWP apps. Photo is for de-noising, HDR imaging, seamless cloning and non-photorealistic rendering.
    • 5,493 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Calib3d module, for use in UWP apps. Calib3d uses a fisheye camera model to project 3d points onto the image, and estimate relative position and orientation... More information
    • 5,354 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Video module, for use in UWP apps. Video is for motion analysis and object tracking.
    • 5,311 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV VideoIO module, for use in UWP apps. VideoIO is for capturing video from video files, image sequences or cameras.
    • 5,139 total downloads
    • last updated 12/5/2015
    • Latest version: 0.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • opencv UWP
    This is the all-in-one package for (almost) all the OpenCV.UWP.native packages, plus a few catch-all headers. You're advised to instead bring in only the packages you need.
    • 4,393 total downloads
    • last updated 6/17/2016
    • Latest version: 1.1.0
    Command line tool to turn a language specification written in markdown, into docx
  • Mr Flakey provides easy way to do ad-hoc testing of network failure of your async calls. (1) Add the NuGet package (2) On any async network call that might fail and you want to test, stick a call to the... More information
    • 3,239 total downloads
    • last updated 6/23/2016
    • Latest version: 1.0.2-alpha (prerelease)
    • await C# analyzer async
    Warns in advanced cases where you're missing an await
  • This package has a powershell script. You will reference it, then tweak your .csproj to invoke it appropriately to modify your PDBs