- 166,809 total downloads
- last updated 12/20/2023
- Latest version: 6.4.14
.Net wrapper for the Clarizen API v2.0 -
- 100,707 total downloads
- last updated 3/8/2020
- Latest version: 3.1.0
Super light-weight and simple logger for .Net projects, supporting JSON serialisation and file + EventLog saving -
- 87,272 total downloads
- last updated 12/9/2019
- Latest version: 2.0.0
String extensions for AES encryption/decryption -
- 57,666 total downloads
- last updated 6/16/2020
- Latest version: 3.1.0
Helper library for performing RESTful CRUD operations online -
- 43,962 total downloads
- last updated 12/16/2019
- Latest version: 3.0.3
Contains the Plain Old Clr Objects for the Ekin.Clarizen library -
by: ekin Ekin.NetEmail - 24,870 total downloads
- last updated 12/11/2019
- Latest version: 2.1.0
Library for sending emails via built in .Net SMTP options, Sendgrid, Elastic Email, etc. -
- 8,637 total downloads
- last updated 11/28/2017
- Latest version:
Wires an API project with Owin Authentication to add /Token, /RefreshTokens, /Auth/Register and /Auth/PasswordReset endpoints -
- 4,730 total downloads
- last updated 7/28/2017
- Latest version: 1.6.0
Contains the models for the Ekin.Auth Nuget package only -
by: ekin Ekin.NetKiosk - 3,462 total downloads
- last updated 6/27/2017
- Latest version:
Used for creating Kiosk applications using .Net