- 412,798 total downloads
- last updated 9/26/2018
- Latest version: 2.1.0
This package adds an ASP.NET precompile step to the build just before (and only if) OctoPack is called. Next time when TeamCity or another build tool invokes OctoPack, precompilation will kick in and your... More information -
- 10,249 total downloads
- last updated 10/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha009 (prerelease)
LogSpect.Core contains the core implementation of the LogSpect framework. It implements the serialization logic, the basic logging logic and the extensibility points so other logging frameworks can integrate... More information -
by: LorandBiro-
- 9,060 total downloads
- last updated 10/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha009 (prerelease)
LogSpect is a light-weight, extensible and easy to use AOP logger for .NET that saves you from the repeating efforts of logging. Just mark the methods you want and everything will be logged automatically:... More information -
- 8,577 total downloads
- last updated 10/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha009 (prerelease)
This package contains some really basic logger implementations (ConsoleLogger, ColoredConsoleLogger and TextFileLogger) for LogSpect. These can be used for simple scenarios, but if you need more functionality... More information -
- 7,693 total downloads
- last updated 10/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha009 (prerelease)
Log4Net adapter for LogSpect. -
- 7,681 total downloads
- last updated 10/21/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha009 (prerelease)
NLog adapter for LogSpect. -
- 1,248 total downloads
- last updated 1/3/2020
- Latest version: 1.0.0-alpha02 (prerelease)
Package Description