by: ijaykayModels -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 5,187 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.3
Contains models used by all components of the Rule Evaluation Engine. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 5,123 total downloads
- last updated 5/15/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.5
Framework component for resolution of generic configurations. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 4,850 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.4
Contains configuration models used by the validation component of the Rule Evaluation Engine. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 4,306 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.5
Contains contracts used by the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation component to resolve Configuration implementations. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 2,929 total downloads
- last updated 4/10/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.3
REvE.Validation.Contracts implementations and utilities used by the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation Framework. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 2,818 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.4
Contains contract implementations for the configuration components of the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation Framework. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 2,752 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Contains models used by the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation Framework. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 2,353 total downloads
- last updated 4/10/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Exposes contracts used by the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation Framework. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 2,342 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Contains models used internally by the Rule Evaluation Engine Validation Framework ValidationRepo. -
- 2,001 total downloads
- last updated 2/8/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Extensions simplifying access to configuration and host details in ASP.NET Core applications. -
- 1,495 total downloads
- last updated 2/23/2021
- Latest version: 1.0.2
Extensions for adding Managed Extensibility Frawework (MEF) support to ASP.NET Core hosted applications. -
- 1,370 total downloads
- last updated 5/15/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.1
A Log4Net Logger implementation of the logging contracts exposed in Candea.Common.Util. -
.NET Core 1.0 This package targets .NET Core 1.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 1.0 This package targets .NET Standard 1.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.6.1 This package targets .NET Framework 4.6.1. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 1,272 total downloads
- last updated 5/15/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.1
Exposes facades for common Logging, Configuration, and DI components to extract dependencies as well as utility methods for logging inside of Linq expressions. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 1,269 total downloads
- last updated 5/15/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.1
A collection of simple utilities, data types, and extensibility frameworks for dependency injection (MEF), logging, caching, and serialization. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 1,218 total downloads
- last updated 5/15/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.1
Contains all implementations used by the consolidated Rule Evaluation Engine validation framework. -
.NET Core 2.0 This package targets .NET Core 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Standard 2.0 This package targets .NET Standard 2.0. The package is compatible with this framework or higher. .NET Framework 4.7 This package targets .NET Framework 4.7. The package is compatible with this framework or higher.
- 900 total downloads
- last updated 4/9/2019
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Contains all Contracts and Models used by the consolidated Rule Evaluation Engine validation framework. -