
    • 4,510,287 total downloads
    • last updated 2/4/2013
    • Latest version: 2.4.0
    The mapping plugin gives you a straightforward way to map plain JavaScript objects into a view model with the appropriate Knockout observables. This is an alternative to manually writing your own JavaScript... More information
    • 8,000 total downloads
    • last updated 4/15/2011
    • Latest version: 1.1.0
    The Disqus Helper for Web Pages provides an easy way to integrate Disqus on your web site. With a few lines of code you'll able to show Disqus threads in your pages and let your users interact through your... More information
    • 3,070 total downloads
    • last updated 4/12/2011
    • Latest version: 1.0.0
    The Checkout By Amazon Helper for WebMatrix provides an easy way to integrate Checkout By Amazon and Amazon's shopping cart into your WebMatrix site. It allows you to add Amazon's buttons in your pages and... More information