
    • 34,799 total downloads
    • last updated 9/25/2018
    • Latest version: 2.7.2
    Update preview AI sdk. For Our Green,Brown,Black,Red-with Test, make your mvc web jump here and there through appending some code to your _Layout.cshtml, Index.cshtml, Contact.cshtml, About.cshtml. It also help... More information
    • 26,923 total downloads
    • last updated 10/16/2018
    • Latest version: 2.7.2
    For Our Green,Brown,Black,Red-with Test, make your mvc web jump here and there through appending some code to your _Layout.cshtml, Index.cshtml, Contact.cshtml, About.cshtml. It also help install the 3 log test... More information
    • 7,724 total downloads
    • last updated 11/14/2017
    • Latest version: 1.2.4-Alpha (prerelease)
    • RDD data collection
    Collect Rdd data and Ajax call data.
    • 3,363 total downloads
    • last updated 11/18/2014
    • Latest version: 1.1.0
    A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
    • 772 total downloads
    • last updated 10/16/2018
    • Latest version: 2.7.2
    For Our Green,Brown,Black,Red-with Test, make your mvc web jump here and there through appending some code to your _Layout.cshtml, Index.cshtml, Contact.cshtml, About.cshtml. It also help install the 3 log test... More information