Advanced search filters
Frameworks Filters packages based on the target frameworks they are compatible with. Click here to learn more.

Include compatible frameworks

Framework Filter Mode Decides whether to show packages matching ALL of the selected Target Frameworks (TFMs), or ANY of them.

Package type

4 packages returned for Tags:"glog"

  • The glog library implements application-level logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros.
  • Redistributable components for package 'glgoo.glog'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
  • The nuget package of google's glog is comprised of dll, lib, pdb and include files. Only build with x86 v120 platform, Debug and Release mode is available.
  • Symbols for package 'glgoo.glog'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).