Statistics last updated at 2025-03-08 16:39:22 UTC.
Downloads for 15 Latest Package Versions (Last 6 weeks)
Downloads By VersionThis is a graph showing the number of downloads of this Package broken out by version.2.0.0-rc22.0.0-rc32.0.0-rc42.0.0-rc52. Downloads14 Downloads14 Downloads14 Downloads19 Downloads993 Downloads13 Downloads2165 Downloads02004006008001.0k1.2k1.4k1.6k1.8k2.0kDownloads
Version Downloads (last 6 weeks)
2.1.0 2,165
2.1.0-rc1 13
2.0.1 993
2.0.0 19
2.0.0-rc5 14
2.0.0-rc4 14