Korzh.EasyQuery... 7.3.5-rc04 License Info

Korzh.EasyQuery.DataExport 7.3.5-rc04




The PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. KORZH.COM (referred to as "AUTHOR") or its suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the PRODUCT. The PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.  


	"Derived Works" means works based upon or using the PRODUCT.
	"Developer" means You or one of Your employees or third-party consultants authorized to develop Derived Works specifically for You using the PRODUCT in accordance with this Agreement.
	"License Key" means a special string unique for each LICENSEE which enables the PRODUCT to operate without Community License restrictions. The License Key is generated by the AUTHOR in the Client Area of Korzh.com website by Your request. The License Key contains information about You, the PRODUCT, and the license grant.

	"Maintenance Subscription" means paid access to PRODUCT Updates and fixes.
	"Minor Version" means the PRODUCT version number truncated to two positions. The PRODUCT version number has the following structure: X.Y.Z, where X is a major part, Y is a minor part, and Z is a patch part. So the Minor Version here is X.Y. All versions of the PRODUCT that differ just in patch part (Z) have the same Minor Version.

	"Product" means the Software licensed under this Agreement.

	"Updates" means technical support, new version, new release, and/or supplements to the PRODUCT and/or related information.
	"You" or "Licensee" means you, the final and ultimate user of the PRODUCT or the authorized representative of a company or other legal entity that will be the final and ultimate user of the PRODUCT, and the company or other legal entity that will be the final and ultimate user of the PRODUCT, if applicable.

AUTHOR grants You the rights described in this Agreement provided that You comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
AUTHOR grants use of the PRODUCT according to one of the license types below as identified in the PRODUCT title.

		All license types allow creating an unlimited number of Derived Works using the PRODUCT which can be used at an unlimited number of Physical Locations within or outside of Your organization.
		All license types are royalty-free.
		All license types allow distribution of Derived Works to third parties, public-facing web sites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets, app stores or SaaS project usage scenarios.

		2.1.1. Community license
		This license is for non-commercial use only. You MAY NOT exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 2.1 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation.
		Non-commercial use includes but not limited to evaluation use, educational use and personal use.

		Except for termination for cause, AUTHOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use any versions of the PRODUCT.
		The PRODUCT under Community License may include some limitations, specified by the PRODUCT documentation. They may include a special "Powered by EasyQuery" mark in the UI, and/or a special nag screen, and/or feature restrictions. You MAY NOT take any action in order to remove and/or hide such limitations.

		This license does not require a License Key. Before You purchased any other license, the Community License is applied to the installed PRODUCT.
		In case You own a commercial license but do not apply a License Key, or an applied License Key is not valid for the specific version of the PRODUCT, the PRODUCT will work under the Community License.
		2.1.2. Basic License
		A Basic License permits One (1) Developer to create Derived Works using the PRODUCT.
		This license does not give LICENSEE access to the PRODUCT's source code.

		Except for termination for cause, AUTHOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use any versions of the PRODUCT that are released before the latest Maintenance Subscription expiration date.
		2.1.3. Developer License
		A Developer License permits One (1) Developer to create Derived Works using the PRODUCT.
		This license gives LICENSEE access to the PRODUCT's source code.

		Except for termination for cause, AUTHOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use any versions of the PRODUCT that are released before the latest Maintenance Subscription expiration date.
		2.1.4. Team License
		A Team License permits up to Five (5) Developers within a single company to create Derived Works using the PRODUCT.
		This license gives LICENSEE access to the PRODUCT's source code.

		Except for termination for cause, AUTHOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use any versions of the PRODUCT that are released before the latest Maintenance Subscription expiration date.
		2.1.5. Company License
		A Company License permits an unlimited number of Developers within a single company to create Derived Works using the PRODUCT.
		This license gives LICENSEE access to the PRODUCT's source code.

		Except for termination for cause, AUTHOR hereby grants to LICENSEE a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use any versions of the PRODUCT that are released before the latest Maintenance Subscription expiration date.
	2.2. Disassembly
	You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or in any other way try to gain access to information regarding the construction of the PRODUCT.

	2.3. Transfer
	You may not rent, lease, lend, sub-license, sell, assign, transfer or pledge the PRODUCT in a standalone fashion or this Agreement, on a temporary or permanent basis, unless You first receive written permission from AUTHOR.


	Any License described in Section 2.1 grants LICENSEE the rights to distribute PRODUCT parts that are designated as "Redistributable" with LICENSEE's Derived Works.
	The list of redistributable parts of the PRODUCT is limited to the following items:
	a) All DLLs (dynamically linked libraries) assembly files created by AUTHOR and installed during installation of EasyQuery; and
	b) Any data files created by EasyQuery - for example, query or data model files in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) or JSON format.

	PRODUCT may not be distributed in any form that allows the PRODUCT to be reused by any application other than LICENSEE's Derived Work.
	PRODUCT may not be included as part of an SDK unless You first receive written permission from AUTHOR.
	PRODUCT may not be used to develop Derived Works that offer similar or competing functionality as the PRODUCT, or expose features of the PRODUCT through an API for use by an unlicensed third party.
	AUTHOR will not provide support for Derived Works, AUTHOR will only provide support for the PRODUCT.

	Any license allows LICENSEE to distribute (print, publish, post on forums or newsgroups, etc.) any examples of code that use EasyQuery API (Application Programming Interface) including sample projects installed with EasyQuery.

	3.2. Source Code
	LICENSEE may purchase a LICENSE that provides the PRODUCT source code (Sections 2.1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5).
	LICENSEE may use the provided source code to create Derived Works and then distribute the Derived Works as compiled binary code without any limitation. Neither the source code nor modified source code of the PRODUCT may be distributed to any third party. The PRODUCT source code must be protected as LICENSEE's own and LICENSEE expressly and unequivocally agrees to be bound by the acts of LICENSEE's employees and agents.  LICENSEE may modify the PRODUCT source code; however such modifications do not constitute ownership of the source code. Modifications to the PRODUCT source code may not be sold, transferred or published in any manner whatsoever. Licensing of the PRODUCT source code does not constitute a transfer of ownership under the terms of this agreement, and the PRODUCT remains owned and copyrighted by AUTHOR.   
	3.3. Term
	The term of this Agreement shall continue perpetually from the date of first time installing, downloading, copying or otherwise using of the PRODUCT unless terminated according to Section 3.4.
	3.4. Termination
	Without prejudice to any other rights, either party may terminate this Agreement if the opposite party fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In such event, LICENSEE must destroy all copies of the PRODUCT, including but not limited to backups and all component parts and parts of Derived Works.
	LICENSEE may terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the PRODUCT. 


	4.1. Maintenance Subscription
	An initial purchase of the PRODUCT includes a one-year Maintenance Subscription. Thereafter, You may renew Your Maintenance Subscription annually. A Maintenance Subscription entitles the purchaser to Updates of the PRODUCT and access to PRODUCT fixes for a period of one (1) year (365 days).

	4.2. Technical Support.
	Technical Support is provided with the following conditions:

		4.2.1. Technical support is provided only through Korzh.com ticket system, available from the Client Area of Korzh.com website: https://korzh.com/account.

		4.2.2. AUTHOR does not guarantee that any fix will be provided in any given time period. Any estimates provided are estimates only and are not binding or enforceable.

		4.2.3. Updates and fix notifications are posted on the Korzh.com website; they are not provided directly to You. You agree to check the website for Updates and fixes.

	4.3. Discontinuation of PRODUCT.
	AUTHOR reserves the right to discontinue the PRODUCT at any time, whether it is offered individually or as a part of a PRODUCT suite.

		4.3.1. If AUTHOR discontinues the PRODUCT, the announcement will be given in a Customer Newsletter ("Newsletter").

		4.3.2. If the PRODUCT is discontinued because it is made part of another AUTHOR's PRODUCT, then a license for the subsequent merged PRODUCT will be made available to You at no additional fee.

The PRODUCT and any associated materials are provided in electronic format only. You are responsible for downloading the PRODUCT from Nuget repository or the Korzh.com website: https://korzh.com.
Upon purchase, LICENSEE should get a License Key which will enable the PRODUCT to function in the purchased license capacity. LICENSEE may generate the License Key in the Client Area on Korzh.com website: https://korzh.com/account. 
The License Key is valid for a single Minor Version of the PRODUCT. Each Minor Version of the PRODUCT You use requires its own License Key to be generated and applied.
If You are distributing software that includes the PRODUCT then it is Your responsibility to protect Your License Key to ensure no unauthorized access or unintended distribution is possible.

PRODUCT is distributed "AS IS". The AUTHOR expressly disclaims any warranty for the PRODUCT either express or implied. The AUTHOR is not liable for any damage, caused by use or inability to use the PRODUCT.