FSUIPCWebSocketClientDLL 1.0.0 License Info

FSUIPCWebSocketClientDLL 1.0.0

FSUIPCWebSocketClientDLL Licence

The DLL, example applications and documentation are owned by Paul Henty.

You are granted a non-exclusive right to distribute this DLL at no cost 
and royalty-free as part of a freeware or commercial application.

You may not sell this DLL or the example applications or the documentation, 
individually, together, or as part of a toolkit for developing applications.


When you build your project, Visual Studio will place a copy of the DLL 
(FSUIPCWebSocketClient.dll) in your build folder along with your .exe.  
You need to distribute the DLL with your program for it to work. 
You do not need to include the XML file (FSUIPCWebSocketClient.xml).

Newtonsoft.Json package

The FSUIPCWebSocketClient DLL is dependent on Newtonsoft's Json library. 
This will automatically be added to your project by the NuGet package manager. 
You also need to distribute this DLL (Newtonsoft.Json.dll). This is 
released under the MIT licence and is royalty free for personal and 
commercial projects.

Details here: https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/blob/master/LICENSE.md


The software and documentation are provided ‘AS IS’ without warranty of any kind.