Excalibur.Jobs.Quartz.Cdc 2.0.39 License Info

Excalibur.Jobs.Quartz.Cdc 2.0.39

Source code in this repository is covered by (i) a triple license under the "GNU
Affero General Public License v3.0 only", "the Server Side Public License, v 1",
and the "Excalibur License 1.0", or (ii) an "Apache License 2.0" compatible
license or (iii) solely under the "Excalibur License 1.0". The default throughout the repository is a triple
license under the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", "the Server
Side Public License, v 1", and the "Excalibur License 1.0", unless the header
specifies another license.