<img src="" height="30px">
Change the appearance and controls of the messagebox and customize your messagebox.
CustomizableMessageBox is available as Nuget Package now.
- Running in Singleton Pattern, it is not suitable for use on a tablet because it can change the font and supports touch operation at runtime.
- The font can be changed and touch operation is supported, so it is suitable for use on a tablet.
- The MessageBox initially has a certain height, but if the Message text content is too much and exceeds the height limit, so that the MessageBox cannot be displayed, the window height will increase accordingly, so that the message can be completely displayed.
- If the height of the MessageBox window reaches the height of the working area of the display, but the message string cannot be displayed, the height of the message box no longer increases, but you can view the remaining messages by scrolling the message area.
- You can change the appearance of your MessageBox at will.
- You can insert custom controls (such as an input box, another button, a progress bar, etc.) in the button area. You can get the user's operation results after calling.
- You can change the content and style of the MessageBox at runtime.
- Generate the project CustomizableMessageBox, get the corresponding dynamic link library, refer to your own project, and call it. This project comes with examples.
- The Show function parameters of the tool's MessageBox are compatible with the parameters of System.Windows.MessageBox. Simply put in the dll, you can use the MessageBox provided by the tool without making too many changes.
- The MessageBox.Show function of the tool also has some overloads different from the system functions, which can achieve more functions. For example, you can customize the message box button.
- You can change the appearance of the MessageBox by setting properties, such as the font of each part of the window, transparency, background, border, window size, limit height growth, set window width, etc.
Demo pictures
![I made two styles roughly Demo]()
Code example
Compatible calling methods
The return value is MessageBoxResult.
MessageBox.Show("message", "title", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
Custom calling method
The return value is int, and the value is the index in the parameter button list.
MessageBox.Show(new RefreshList { "btn1" }, "msg");
MessageBox.Show(new RefreshList { new ButtonSpacer(250), "btn1", "btn2", "btn3", "btn4", "btn5", new ButtonSpacer(30) }, "msg", "title", MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
Modify style attributes
Modify individually
- Set before calling Show function
MessageBox.ButtonPanelColor = new MessageBoxColor("red");
MessageBox.WindowMinHeight = 300;
MessageBox.MessageFontSize = 22;
MessageBox.Show(new RefreshList { "btn1" }, "msg");
Modify in batches
- Set PropertiesSetter in advance
PropertiesSetter ps0 = new PropertiesSetter();
ps0.ButtonBorderThickness = new Thickness(10);
ps0.MessagePanelColor = new MessageBoxColor(Colors.Black);
PropertiesSetter ps1 = new PropertiesSetter(ps0);
ps1.MessagePanelBorderThickness = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0);
ps1.ButtonBorderColor = new MessageBoxColor("#222DDD");
ps1.MessageFontFamily = new FontFamily("Times New Roman");
ps1.CloseTimer = new MessageBoxCloseTimer(10, -1);
- Recommended Set in Show function parameters
MessageBox.Show(ps0, "message", "title", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
MessageBox.Show(ps1, new RefreshList { "btn1" }, "msg");
- Set before calling Show function
MessageBox.PropertiesSetter = ps1;
MessageBox.Show(new RefreshList { new TextBox(), "btn1" }, "msg");
The button action can be set in a general way, or it can be directly set in the parameters of the RefreshList in the Show function using the lambda expression. After setting, it will be bound to the previous button of the List.
Insert blank
Insert a ButtonSpacer instance at the corresponding position in the passed in RefreshList. Constructor parameter can be null, width information, span column information.
Insert custom control
Insert an instance of a FrameworkElement-derived class at the corresponding position in the passed-in RefreshList to display the corresponding control at the corresponding position. </br>
The column width is determined by the width of the inserted control. </br>
- You can get the control again after the Show function call returns and get the user input / operation result.
int result = MessageBox.Show(new RefreshList { new TextBox(), "btn1", "btn2" }, "msg");
TextBox tb = (TextBox)MessageBox.ButtonList[0];
MessageBox.Show(tb.Text == string.Empty ? "User did not enter" : tb.Text, (string)MessageBox.ButtonList[result]);
Member Functions and Properties
MessageBox Properties |
Type |
Meaning |
Is Static |
Status |
DefaultProperties |
PropertiesSetter |
Default style properties |
√ |
√ |
TitleText |
string |
Set / Get Title Text |
√ |
√ |
MessageText |
string |
Set / Get Message Text |
√ |
√ |
ButtonList |
RefreshList |
Set / Get Button List |
√ |
√ |
LockHeight |
bool |
Whether the height of the locked window is not allowed to grow automatically |
√ |
√ |
TextWrappingMode |
TextWrapping |
Wrap style of message paragraph |
√ |
√ |
WindowWidth |
double |
Window width |
√ |
√ |
WindowMinHeight |
double |
Window minimum (initial) height |
√ |
√ |
TitleFontFamily |
FontFamily |
Title text font |
√ |
√ |
MessageFontFamily |
FontFamily |
Message text font |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontFamily |
FontFamily |
Button text font |
√ |
√ |
TitleFontSize |
int |
Title text size |
√ |
√ |
MessageFontSize |
int |
Message text size |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontSize |
int |
Button text size |
√ |
√ |
TitleFontColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Title text color |
√ |
√ |
MessageFontColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Message text color |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Button text color |
√ |
√ |
WindowOpacity |
double |
The overall transparency of the window |
√ |
√ |
TitleBarOpacity |
double |
Title area transparency |
√ |
√ |
MessageBarOpacity |
double |
Message area transparency |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBarOpacity |
double |
Button area transparency |
√ |
√ |
TitlePanelColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Title area background color |
√ |
√ |
MessagePanelColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Message area background color |
√ |
√ |
ButtonPanelColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Button area background color |
√ |
√ |
WndBorderColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Window border color |
√ |
√ |
TitlePanelBorderColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Title area border color |
√ |
√ |
MessagePanelBorderColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Message area border color |
√ |
√ |
ButtonPanelBorderColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Button area border color |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBorderColor |
MessageBoxColor |
Button border color |
√ |
√ |
WndBorderThickness |
MessageBoxColor |
Window border width |
√ |
√ |
TitlePanelBorderThickness |
Thickness |
Title area border width |
√ |
√ |
MessagePanelBorderThickness |
Thickness |
Message area border width |
√ |
√ |
ButtonPanelBorderThickness |
Thickness |
Button area border width |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBorderThickness |
Thickness |
Button border width |
√ |
√ |
WindowShowDuration |
Duration |
Window fade time |
√ |
√ |
WindowShowAnimations |
List<KeyValuePair<DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline>> |
Window display animation |
√ |
√ |
WindowCloseAnimations |
List<KeyValuePair<DependencyProperty, AnimationTimeline>> |
Window close animation |
√ |
√ |
TitlePanelSpacing |
double |
Title area spacing |
√ |
√ |
MessagePanelSpacing |
double |
Message area spacing |
√ |
√ |
CloseIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom close icon |
√ |
√ |
TitleIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom title icon |
√ |
√ |
WarningIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom warning icon |
√ |
√ |
ErrorIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom error icon |
√ |
√ |
InfoIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom information icon |
√ |
√ |
QuestionIcon |
BitmapImage |
Custom question Icon |
√ |
√ |
MessgaeIconHeight |
double |
Message icon height |
√ |
√ |
CloseIconHeight |
double |
Close icon height |
√ |
√ |
TitleIconHeight |
double |
Title icon height |
√ |
√ |
SetCloseIconHeightAsTitleFontHeight |
bool |
The height of the close icon follows the title font height |
√ |
√ |
SetTitleIconHeightAsTitleFontHeight |
bool |
The height of the title icon follows the title font height |
√ |
√ |
EnableCloseButton |
bool |
Enable window close button |
√ |
√ |
EnableTitleIcon |
bool |
Enable title icon |
√ |
√ |
ButtonStyleList |
List<Style> |
Button action style |
√ |
√ |
ButtonWidthList |
List<double> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonHeightList |
List<double> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonHorizontalAlignmentList |
List<HorizontalAlignment> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonVerticalAlignmentList |
List<VerticalAlignment> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonHorizontalContentAlignmentList |
List<HorizontalAlignment> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonVerticalContentAlignmentList |
List<VerticalAlignment> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonMarginList |
List<Thickness> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonPaddingList |
List<Thickness> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBackgroundList |
List<Brush> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBorderBrushList |
List<Brush> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonBorderThicknessList |
List<Thickness> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonCursorList |
List<Cursor> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontFamilyList |
List<FontFamily> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontSizeList |
List<double> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontStretchList |
List<FontStretch> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontStyleList |
List<FontStyle> |
- |
√ |
√ |
ButtonFontWeightList |
List<FontWeight> |
- |
√ |
√ |
CloseTimer |
MessageBoxCloseTimer |
Window timing / Close now |
√ |
√ |
MessageBoxImageType |
MessageBoxImage |
Set the type of icon displayed |
√ |
√ |
LoadedEventHandler |
RoutedEventHandler |
Loaded event |
√ |
√ |
KeyDownEventHandler |
KeyEventHandler |
KeyDown event |
√ |
√ |
KeyUpEventHandler |
KeyEventHandler |
KeyUp event |
√ |
√ |
MessageBox function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
Show (string, string, MessageBoxButton, MessageBoxImage) |
Call up the message window in compatible form |
Message, Title (optional), Button type (optional), Icon type (optional) |
MessageBoxResult |
√ |
Show (RefreshList, string, string, MessageBoxImage) |
Customize the message window |
Button list, message, title (optional), icon type (optional) |
int |
√ |
Show (PropertiesSetter, string, string, MessageBoxButton, MessageBoxImage) |
Call the message window in a compatible form and use the existing style |
style, message, title (optional), button type (optional), icon type (optional) |
MessageBoxResult |
√ |
Show (PropertiesSetter, RefreshList, string, string, MessageBoxImage) |
Customize the message window, and use the existing style |
style, style, button list, message, title (optional), icon type (optional) |
int |
√ |
CloseNow () |
Close window immediately |
√ |
CloseNow (int) |
Close window immediately |
Result of MessageBox |
√ |
MessageBoxColor Property |
Meaning |
Type |
color |
Color value |
object |
colorType |
Color Type |
ColorType |
MessageBoxColor function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
MessageBoxColor (object) |
Constructor |
Hex color code string or instance of Color class or color name string |
× |
MessageBoxColor (object, ColorType) |
Constructor |
Hexadecimal color code string or instance of Color class or color name string, ColorType enumeration value |
× |
GetSolidColorBrush () |
Output the SolidColorBrush corresponding to this instance color instance |
SolidColorBrush |
× |
MessageBoxCloseTimer Property |
Meaning |
Type |
timeSpan |
Time to close window |
TimeSpan |
result |
The return value returned after the window is closed |
int |
MessageBoxCloseTimer function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return Value |
Is Static |
MessageBoxCloseTimer (TimeSpan, int) |
Constructor |
TimeSpan instance (time to close), return value returned after window close |
× |
MessageBoxCloseTimer (int, int) |
Constructor |
seconds to close, return value after window close |
× |
PropertiesSetter Properties |
Meaning |
Omitted (Refer to the MessageBox property) |
PropertiesSetter Function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return Value |
Is Static |
PropertiesSetter () |
Constructor |
× |
PropertiesSetter (PropertiesSetter) |
Constructor |
An existing PropertiesSetter instance |
× |
ButtonSpacer Properties |
Meaning |
Type |
length |
Leave blank length |
double |
ButtonSpacer function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
ButtonSpacer () |
Constructor |
× |
ButtonSpacer (bool) |
Constructor |
whether to do row merging with the previous element |
× |
ButtonSpacer (double) |
Constructor |
space length |
× |
ButtonSpacer (double, bool) |
Constructor |
space length, whether to do row merging with the previous element |
× |
ButtonSpacer (double, GridUnitType) |
Constructor |
Describes the value that a GridLength object is holding, Describes the kind of value that a GridLength object is holding |
× |
ButtonSpacer (double, GridUnitType, bool) |
Constructor |
Describes the value that a GridLength object is holding, Describes the kind of value that a GridLength object is holding, whether to do row merging with the previous element |
× |
Info Properties |
Meaning |
Type |
StackException |
Stack with Reported Exception |
Stack<Exception> |
IsLastShowSucceed |
Whether the last call was successful |
bool |
Info function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
PrintLog (MessageBoxType) |
Call MessageBox to display exception information |
Type of MessageBox (custom or system) |
bool |
√ |
PrintLog (string, bool, bool) |
Output exception information to a text file |
Path to output text, Whether to keep the contents of the stack, Whether to append the end of the file |
bool |
√ |
Prefab Static class
GetPropertiesSetter function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
GetPropertiesSetter (PropertiesSetterName) |
Get the pre-made PropertiesSetter |
Enum |
PropertiesSetter |
√ |
GetButonStyle function |
Meaning |
Parameter |
Return value |
Is Static |
GetButonStyle (ButtonStyleName) |
Get the pre-made ButonStyle |
Enum |
Style |
√ |